Faith Cafe': Why Me?: Biblical Reflections on Suffering Participant's Guide
Why Me?: Biblical Reflections on Suffering explores such questions as why people suffer, where God is in our suffering, and how we should respond to the suffering of others. This topic, though unpleasant, is not one we can easily escape in life or in the pages of Scripture. Suffering in this present world is an experience all of us will undergo at some time—no matter what our education, affluence, religious heritage, or any other quality we may think excludes us from it.
The Faith Café Participant’s Guide is packed with stories, quotes, Scriptures, and life applications designed to help group members stay actively involved in the lesson each week. The Participant’s Guide is printed in a magazine-style format that includes a central article written by a featured Christian author to add flavor to the overall theme of each quarter. Faith Café brings the coffeehouse to your house with a gourmet blend of Scripture, inspiration, and insight that addresses topics relevant to today’s Christians. Designed to create an intimate coffeehouse atmosphere, this undated topical curriculum is the perfect way for adults of all ages in your Sunday school class or small group to connect with God and other believers.