Scriptural Holiness
Perhaps no other doctrine of the Bible has been subjected to so wide a variety of interpretations as has the doctrine of sanctification or holiness. Yet, there is no other truth of greater importance for eternity-bound souls. If all other doctrines were to remain a mystery, it would be still of vital importance that we understand and enjoy the experience and life of heart-purity, which is the basis for all fellowship with God in this life and an absolute prerequisite to the ultimate entry into His presence.
Reverend Noel Brooks has not attempted to pour Bible truth into a mold already cast. Rather, he has concentrated all his skills of scholarship and research on the task of discovering and unfolding what the Word of God says and means concerning Scriptural Holiness.
A careful and prayerful reading of this book cannot but produce in the reader both an appetite and thirst for the deeper things of God.